I recently did the final sudo rm -rf of my AI startup, Bountyful, which was my primary focus for most of the past 18 months. To figure out what’s next, I’ve joined the Recurse Center (RC) for the Fall 1 ‘24 batch.

What’s Recurse?

The Recurse Center is a retreat where curious programmers recharge and grow.

Pick me! I’m a curious programmer and I’m looking forward to some recharging and growth! They did.

What are you hoping to achieve?

By the end of RC, I’d like to have overcome some of my skill issues, made interesting new friends, and expanded my comfort zone.

What are you planning to work on?

  1. I have some ambitious project ideas for AI-driven bioinformatics that I’d like to begin exploring.
  2. I’d like to spend a significant amount of time working on improving my abilities in:
    • Compiled backend / systems languages (C, Go, Rust, Zig)
    • High-performance simulation and graphics (WebGL, Unreal Engine)
    • Webdev (try make useful SPAs with Svelte, Vue, etc.)
  3. I’d love to spend some of my RC time working with other Recursers on weird and fun projects completely out of left field:
    • How about a VST plugin for digital audio processing that turns MIDI input into generative graphics with multi-modal LLMs?
    • Write an audio-only game engine from scratch in Zig?

How can I follow along?

In support of both my own writing goals and RC’s self-directive to learn generously, I’ll be posting about the process and my projects. As usual, I’ll be using my blog’s tagging system, so you can follow all my progress at RC by filtering for posts with the #Recurse tag.

<shoutouts> Thanks to Thomas for putting RC on my radar back in 2019, Oliver for encouraging me to apply (and endorsing me), and the Recurse team and cohort for a fantastic onboarding and welcome! </shoutouts>